Accepting children ages 12-18, who are interested in
learning social thinking and advocacy skills. This camp will focus on learning perspective taking,
self-advocacy, and strategies to calm mind and body. Students must be able to communicate needs and have a
tolerance to be with others.
Michelle Garcia Winner’s social thinking program as well as elements of
the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program for children/teens will be the
basis for camp skills and concepts.
Camp Details:
Dates: July 9-August
2, 2012
Times: 1:30-3:00
Cost: $590
Days: Mondays and Wednesdays
Location: Sussex,
WI. Details of exact location to
be provided upon registration.
This group is designed for children who are able to follow
simple directions, stay with a group, and do not need 1:1 assistance.
A minimum of 4 per group will be necessary to run the camp.
Contact: June
Rydberg 262-364-6056
A non-refundable deposit of $150 will be required to hold
your spot.
Applications will be accepted until June 4, 2012
Note: This is not considered extended school year or waiver funded.
Click here for more Summer Camp options.
Click here for more Summer Camp options.